

Its getting increasingly difficult to post at the moment due to the academic calendar. We're currently working on our first video for you guys, and still pushing to promote our other endeavors, namely our Experienced Minors project.

So that's what to expect from us.

I came across this video on F&W the other day and we found it really inspirational due to our current thirst for track geometry and, generally, a more old-fashioned and genuine approach to the way we cycle. That's the way things are progressing at the moment as this has always appealed to both me and Ted more than doing barspins, naturally then, this is the way we're polarizing in a fixed community that is splitting more and more into sub-factions, even within the relatively small amount of time that us youngsters have been involved in it. With all the heated debate between riders with different tastes, I find it comforting to remember that this is just a side effect of the exponential growth and progression of a culture that we've all come to know and love.

Enough small talk. 


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